Farmer Profile Huehuetenango Guatemala

New partnership with the Association of Special Coffee Producers of Huehuetenango.

The holder farms are located in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. Huehuetenango has a mild, short rainy season from May to October, and a prolonged dry season from November to April. Huehuetenango produces about 60% of Guatemala's coffee. Due to its altitude and climate, this region is ideal for the cultivation of Arabica coffee plants. Each of the 450 farms is small by coffee industry standards; all families use their own micro-mill to process their harvest, which allows for meticulous care in cherry selection, depulping, fermenting, and drying of the coffee.

Along with coffee producers in this region, the ASOPCE association has worked with it's farmers and has developed a project to improve the coffee growing process. ASOPCE has a centralized warehouse to store dried parchment, and growers have gained access to technical assistance for managing their farms with the best agricultural practices. The organization also partners with the company BICAFE, which has a dry-mill facility powered by 250 solar panels. We are excited to work with ASOPCE because of our common environmental sustainability practices. As you may know we work with bullfrog power to provide our company with renewable energy to power our home and office space as well as power our PHEV vehicle.


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