Trending - Wednesday Addams Coffee Drink At Home
At Highwood Coffee we’re all too eager to try new coffee drinks. Our mantra is to save money and #Brewyourbestathome . So Lets try something new!
Barista’s around the world have been concocting fan drinks and with this latest show Wednesday Addams fans have been loving the crazy dance and coffee orders. Go ahead and do the Crazy dance while you make your cold foam! Here’s the simple cold brew recipe!
Stuff you’ll need.
Cold Brew
Vanilla bean (or vanilla extract)
Chocolate sauce (your favorite will do)
Cold Brew which is easy to do. Here’s a step by step recipe.
V60 - Cold Brew Method
Brew Ratio to keep in mind - 65g coffee per Liter.
Grind size 2 clicks smaller than you normally would.
500ml brew = 200g ice - 300g water - 33g Coffee (14-15 grind size on Baratza encore)
Bloom 45 seconds
Brew time about 2:45-3 minutes of draw down.
Set up your brewer with filter and Be sure to rinse your V60 over the sink rather than over your decanter. Keep it cold if you can.
Place 200g ice in your decanter or cup
Bloom 60-90g water stir and wait 45 seconds.
Add the rest of your brew water slowly. Draw down should be 2.5-3minutes
Once done swirl coffee in the decanter or cup until the ice has melted through. When you create your drink you can still use a couple more ice cubes.
If you haven’t already made your Vanilla bean cold foam, do it now. Cut open a plump 1” section of a vanilla bean and scrape all of the seeds out.
place in to a container with 100ml milk or non dairy of your choosing. Use a Nano foam tool or an emersion blender to blend it all up. If you don’t have either of those try a small mason jar and shake like Wednesday Adams! (if you haven’t yet watched the series it’s Episode 4.)
Pour in your chocolate sauce, Coffee and top with foam. Stir and enjoy!